I am an Associate Professor of International Relations and Australian Research Council DECRA Fellow at La Trobe University.
My research focuses on peace and humanitarian processes, in particular, how the international community supports societies as they respond to conflict and crisis. I'm particularly interested in the negotiation of power during these processes, the role of non-state actors and women, and how the assumptions and behaviours of international interveners affects their capacity and credibility in the countries in which they work. My current major project, funded by the Australian Research Council, investigates the nature, scale and impacts of sexual exploitation and abuse in humanitarian operations.
My first book, "Why Peace Processes Fail: Negotiating Insecurity After Civil War" was published in 2015 by Lynne Rienner Publishers. My second book, "Violating Peace: Sex, Aid and Peacekeeping" was10 published in 2020 with Cornell University Press.
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I've published a range of peer-reviewed articles and book chapters that explore a few key themes: the role of the international community in peace processes in civil wars, issues of women, peace and security; and sexual exploitation and abuse in peace operations.
I have also made numerous media appearances discussing peace and post conflict issues.
I am available for expert consultancy, media comment, and graduate supervision, and I love opportunities to collaborate with others (either in academia or outside).